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As 100 melhores músicas dos videogames de todos os tempos

41. Forza Motorsport 4 / “Theme Song”

Ano: 2011 / Compositor: Lance Hayes

42. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil / “The Port of Adia”

Ano: 1998 / Compositor: Darren Mitchell

43. Final Fantasy VIII / “The Man With the Machine Gun”

Ano: 1999 / Compositor: Nobuo Uematsu

44. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin / “47 Makes a Decision”

Ano: 2002 / Compositor: Jesper Kyd

45. Duke Nukem 3D / “Grabbag”

Ano: 1996 / Compositor: Lee Jackson

46. The Legend of Zelda / “Overworld”

Ano: 1986 / Compositor: Koji Kondo

47. Mega Man / “Level Start!”

Ano: 1987 / Compositor: Manami Matsumae

48. Ridge Racer Type 4 / “Urban Fragments”

Ano: 1998 / Compositor: Namco Consumer Software Sound Team

49. Okami / “The Sun Rises”

Ano: 2006 / Compositor: Masami Ueda, Hiroshi Yamaguchi

50. Shenmue / “Shenmue (Main Theme)”

Ano: 1999 / Compositor: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi

51. Paperboy / “Theme”

Ano: 1984 / Compositor: Atari

52. Rhythm Tengoku / “Bon Odori”

Ano: 2006 / Compositor: Mitsuo Terada

53. Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn / “Main Theme”

Ano: 2000 / Compositor: Michael Hoenig

54. Journey / “Nascence”

Ano: 2012 / Compositor: Austin Wintory

55. L.A. Noire / “Main Theme”

Ano: 2011 / Compositor: Andrew Hale, Simon Hale

56. Super Smash Bros. Brawl / “Bramble Blast”

Ano: 2008 / Compositor: Takahiro Nishi

57. BioShock / “Welcome to Rapture”

Ano: 2007 / Compositor: Gary Schyman

58. Tetris / “Type A”

Ano: 1989 / Compositor: Hirokazu Tanaka

59. Ghouls’n Ghosts / “Haunted Graveyard”

Ano: 1988 / Compositor: Tamayo Kawamoto

60. Final Fantasy X / “Besaid Island”

Ano: 2001 / Compositor: Masashi Hamauzu

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